Join us at the London Stem Cell Network Workshop

London, UK| 29th February 2024 | 2:00pm

We are excited to be sponsoring another workshop organized by the London Stem Cell Network on the 29th of February at the Clark-Kennedy Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary Innovation Building. With a focus on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, the event aims to bring together leaders in the industry to showcase their exciting research.

At the workshop, you will have the opportunity to engage with speakers and meet us on stand to learn more about our innovative, high-purity, and animal-free growth factors and cytokines for your cell culture. There will be several networking opportunities throughout the day, and the day will conclude with a drinks reception.

The London Stem Cell Network is a platform that brings together the stem cell research community across London and beyond by hosting various events throughout the year and sharing the latest news, jobs, and events in their monthly newsletter. We are delighted to sponsor the London Stem Cell Network and support collaboration between industries in the Stem Cell Research Community.

To learn more about the LSCN, please visit our other pages on the London Stem Cell Network website.

Photo competition

Do you have an image showcasing your research in Regeneration and Disease Modelling? If so, we invite you to enter our photo competition below to be judged by a panel at the workshop. The winning image will be announced at the end of the workshop.




Opening Remarks

  • Dr. Inês Sequeira, Group Leader, Queen Mary University of London

Unravelling the role of biochemical and cellular spatial complexity on the development of chemo-resistance in advanced pancreatic cancer 3D models.

  • Dr Eirini Velliou, University College London

Towards lung regeneration using precision-cut lung slice models

  • Charlotte Dean,

Coffee Break | Networking


Biomimetic Bone Marrow Niches for the Maintenance of Mesenchymal and Haematopoietic Stem Cells

  • Prof. Julien Gautrot, Queen Mary University London

Regenerative Dentistry and Making a Tooth in a Dish

  • Ana Angelova Volponi,

Young Investigator Pitch (4PhD/PostDoc)

  • Tamara Fawzi, PhD student, Gentleman Lab, King’s College London
  • Caoimhe Kerins,
  • Dr Luca Zanieri, The Francis Crick Institute
  • Abubkr Abdelaal, Queen Mary University of London
  • Dr Tarek Saleh, University College London – Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health

Closing remarks and awards


Drinks Reception | Networking